Water Quality

Over the last 30 years, stringent environmental protection laws and significant restoration activities have improved water quality conditions in the Willamette River. Efforts continue to improve the health of the river through studies, cleanup efforts, and coordination by regulatory agencies and drinking water providers, including individual WRWC partners. During this period, the Willamette River has continued to be an important source of drinking water for several communities. The cities of Wilsonville, Sherwood, Corvallis, Adair Village, and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) provide safe, high quality drinking water from the Willamette River as part of their overall supply strategies.

The Willamette River Water Treatment Plant (WRWTP) in Wilsonville has been online since 2002 and began serving the City of Sherwood in 2011. The WRWTP has met every water quality standard since its development and has formed the basis for the treatment steps at the new Willamette Water Supply System plant, which will begin serving Tualatin Valley Water District and other local governments in 2026. Corvallis has been supplying water from the Willamette River since 1949 and SUB has been using this source since the 1960s.